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January Roles
JANUARY’S CHAIR OF MEETING: Kevin Marois (Please see him for any announcement that has to be made during service).
Group Walk - January
Tuesdays: Jan 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at Carburn Park SE or Chinook Mall. Time: 1:30 pm. Please check with Ruth or Phyllis for location and...
Bible Study Ladies Gathering - January
Saturday, Jan 13, 1:00 pm, at Northside. All enquiries to Paula.
Ladies Bible Study - January
Morning Group - Mondays: Jan 8 and 22 at 10am on Zoom. Evening Group – Wednesdays: Jan 10 and 24 at 6:00pm, dinner followed by study...
January Roles
JANUARY CHAIR OF MEETING: Andrew Hills (Please see him if you have any announcements to be made during service).
Gardeners' Meeting
Saturday, Jan 21 at 12 noon for lunch. To discuss and determine improvement for 2023 community garden beds and plots.
Group Walk - January
Tuesdays: Jan 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, either at Chinook Mall or Carburn Park SE. Time: 1:00 pm. Please check with Ruth or Phyllis for the...
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